Tagebau Nochten

  • country
  • customer
    Siemens AG, Leipzig
  • end customer
    Vattenfall Europe Mining AG

Tagebau Nochten

  • The ipRouterouter and ipConv protocol converter from IPCOMM are used to link the transformer stations to the Siemens SICAM PowerCC control center.

    Communication between the router or converter and control station are implemented over the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. IEC 60870-5-101 and ANSI X3.28 handle the data transmission towards the transformer stations.

    The application layer data from the IEC 870-5-101 transformer stations is passed transparently through the routers to the control station. Link layer (IEC 870-5-101) and transport layer (IEC 870-5-104) communication is handled by the router independently.

    Similarly, the protocol converter, which links the ANSI X3.28 ABB transformer stations to the control station, handles the link and transport layer communication independently. Address assignment, however, is based on an address table.


    The IPCOMM router and protocol converter are used at the Nochten opencast mine in Saxony. This Nochten opencast mine belongs to the German branch of Vattenfall Europe. The group owns opencast mines, large power stations in North Germany, the power grid in East Germany, the BEWAG  in Berlin and the Hamburg energy provider HEW.

    Up to 17 million tons of brown coal are extracted each year (up to 100,000 tons a day) at the Nochten site. Main customer for the brown coal extracted by surface mining is the nearby Boxberg lignite power station and the Schwarze Pumpe briquet manufacturer. 

    Dates and facts:

    Location: South of Weisswasser
    Supplies: Boxberg power station, refining
    Geology: Mining depth: 65 - 100 m
      Coal seam size: 1st seam 2 – 5 m; 2nd seam 9 – 15 m
      Mining start: Waterhoisting  in 1960
        Coal extraction in 1973
    Total output 2003: Overburden & waste: 116,5 Mio. m³
      Raw coal: 16,9 Mio. t
      Water hoisting: 128,3 Mio. m³


    Picture Gallery

    Nochten opencast mining Nochten mine - geology IPCOMM protocol converter
    Nochten mine - Boxberg power station Nochten mine - sundown Bucket wheel excavator
Used Products
  • ipConv

    Universal protocol converter for highest degree of flexibility

  • ipRoute

    Router for IEC 870-5-101 and IEC 870-5-104 protocols

Used Protocol Stacks

ANSI X3.28, Master

IEC 60870-5-104, Slave